ROCHEL Angel (Sun)
From choir Angels-Angels (Archangel Gabriel)
People born
between 1 and March 5
ROCHEL Angel is the Angel solar, lunar choir of angels, but by him that the two luminaries live a love story.
He’s the Angel of the union of opposites. He promotes any merger, union or balance. He represents the union of masculine and feminine forces. He reigns over sexuality, the cartel. He restores the fullness. His godson works to restore the unity and resolve conflicts. He’s very interested by people of the opposite sex. He may be a lawyer or notary.
ROCHEL Angel: Lord, you see everything in the sublime memories of past lives, and I ask you to give me the strength needed to pay for the harm I have done. I ask you to transmute hatred old disinterested love. Empty my soul of everything that is not right, whatever is miserable, so in my darkness your Light can penetrate, And when you have erased the last drop of my cup of bitterness, then let me, ROCHEL Angel, bear witness to your celestial wisdom, your divine power, your divine love, able to grant pardon to all my mistakes past (which I repents). Free of past dark, I drive a bright future by the grace of my Guardian Angel!