OMAEL Angel (Venus)
From the Choir DOMINATIONS (Archangel HESEDIEL)
People who were born
between August the 18th and August the 22th
OMAEL Angel is the angel of fertility. He’s the one who manages Venus energy of HESEDIEL-JUPITER. OMAEL Angel promotes women, fertility, health, happiness, plants and land. His godson promotes life and birth, such as a midwife or like a gynecologist doctor. The woman is fruitful and beneficial. Everybody is happy about being protected by OMAEL Angel.
OMAEL Angel: Lord, I hope that by me coming to World beings generous high. I would like to have been chosen by you to give life to higher beings, which will demonstrate your kingdom here on this Earth. But if the need requires, as I beings are born deformed body or soul, opens! OMAEL Angel, my body Love to find in me the warm affection and strength necessary for their human journey. Give me, Lord, the gift of new life, the ability of rebirth, even for those who may be affected by Death.
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