EYAEL Angel (Jupiter)

Eyael Angel Feb20,Feb21,Feb22,Feb23,Feb24

From the choir of Angels-Angels
(Archangel Gabriel)

People born
between 20 and February 24

Eyael Angel has the energies of Jupiter, in addition to those of his choir, which emanate from the Moon by the Archangel Gabriel. He’s the Angel of joy; Jupiter promotes the joy of living, recklessness, humor. He can see the positive side of events and induced a positive change in any situation. His godson is gifted for the sciences in particular, for physics and astrology. He adapts particularly well to changes and is always very optimistic. He spreads joy and happiness around him.


EYAËL: Angel of Truth; help me to externalize, spiritual values that God entrusted to me, through you. Grant that I know discern truth from fiction, and that would, in my daily work, I can bear witness to the Truth, Harmony, Wisdom and Beauty. Make me strong in adversity, and don’t let my lips speak false words, to avoid embarrassing situations. Show me, Angel EYAËL, the Way of the High Science and yes, take me by the hand and lead me to success spiritual, moral, and physical (emotional, economic, family …); yes, yes, release me, Angel Almighty, easements material, so that I can perform the work that you inspire to me! Inform me! Inform me constantly; pours knowledge on me, because I want to be an effective instrument of this creation that is our permanent World.