Help for use this site.

Help to know your guardian angel:
In the search field, type your date of birth in the form mmmd (the 3 first letters of the month and the day)
Example: If you were born on April 2, type apr2 (your guardian angel will be SITAËL)
If you want to search for a gift Guardian Angel how you know the name:
- In the search field, type its name.
- Or look the directly under «Female Angels » or « Male angels.
-For the guardian angel that can helps you heal, in the search field, type the name of the disease.
For example the anemia can be cured by MELAHEL guardian angel.
Several guardian angels can help you cure the same evil.
After reading « Must read« you will only have to select the disease or this is approaching the most.»
-To know the angel who can help you for a problem of life, in the search field type the type of problem
For example ARIEL guardian angel, can help you solve your money problems.
LECABEL guardian angel, also, can help you solve your money problems and more to make a fortune.
We wish you a pleasant visit.