IMAMIAH Angel (March)

Imamiah Angel Dec8,Dec9,Dec10,Dec11,Dec12

(Archangel HANIEL)

People born between
8 and December 12

IMAMIAH Angel regent of Martian and Venusians energies (Mars is work, and Venus the facility, softness). He’s the angel of liberation. He promotes defense against enemies, the release of prisoners. He freed from bondage hunting the bad and destructive passions. His godson is able to perform any work. He’s clever and ingenious. He likes to support and assist those in need or in a deadlock.


IMAMIAH Angel: Lord, make my enemies understand that I am not part of their world. Tell them that I was burned by your fire, and I can’t keep promises made, one day past my material personality. Release me, IMAMIAH Angel, engagements, and responsibilities, of my past. Help me to go up towards your Celestial Residences because I work, already, here in this World according to your weights and your measurements, pushed by your gifts and the capacities that you grant to me. I want to build, for me and my family (all) a new Paradise; enlightens me so that I can fully succeed.

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