HABUHIAH Angel (March)
From the chorus of Angels-Angels
(Archangel Gabriel)
People born between
25 and February 28/29
HABUHIAH Angel is the Guardian Angel, which has energies of March, in addition to those of the Moon (with his own chorus).
He’s the Angel of fruiting; March promotes the creation, the works of all kinds, work long haul. This Angel reign, in particular on products of agriculture and animal husbandry. II provides material a benefit … His godson is patient, equilibrium, hardworking, meticulous and stubborn. He knows focus on a goal.
HABUHIAH Angel: do that my faith is fertile. Let your light, accumulated in my inside, is so intense that I can restore her health (physical and moral) in patients. Grant that the temptations that the existence introduce myself, used to strengthen my faith and help me gain a better awareness of high events. HABUHIAH Angel, give me the strength to dare give me the courage to face the dangers. Give me your Light to overcome my darkness, my fear. Bring me with hand-forte, in the fields of Truth and Spirituality; make me a citizen of your World where, already doubt no longer exists, where success is obvious. Allow me, HABUHIAH Angel that I am for others and for me, Fontaine health joy of love and abundance.